Setting Site Properties

To change global site settings, go to the administration site section.

Click Settings in the menu and see a list of available settings.
  • Append To Title optionally sets a text to append to all the title of all pages. This is usually the site name.
  • Default Page Footer optionally sets the footer section to use on all pages, that individually have an empty footer section. 
  • Default Page Header optionally sets the header section to use on all pages, that individually have an empty header section.
  • Enable 'Like' button can be set to 1 to add a Facebook section that allows your visitors to 'like' your pages.
  • Google Analytics tracking key optionally sets a GA tracking key to track your visitors on your site.
  • Relative Path to Stylesheet specifies the stylesheet to include on all pages. Remember separation of concerns?
Edit the fields and click Save button to accept the changes.
Note the fields Terms of Trade and VAT % are currently unused.

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